all postcodes in SW13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW13 8AA 0 51.483833 -0.232303
SW13 8AB 0 51.481615 -0.229537
SW13 8AG 0 51.481592 -0.228025
SW13 8AH 0 51.482301 -0.227926
SW13 8AJ 0 51.48313 -0.228038
SW13 8AL 0 51.483285 -0.231777
SW13 8AN 0 51.481894 -0.228964
SW13 8BG 0 51.481826 -0.231603
SW13 8DA 0 51.482483 -0.233392
SW13 8DB 0 51.481796 -0.233188
SW13 8DL 1 51.485212 -0.231904
SW13 8DP 0 51.485723 -0.231783
SW13 8DQ 0 51.485158 -0.233049
SW13 8DR 0 51.485585 -0.231616
SW13 8DS 5 51.485092 -0.231116
SW13 8DU 0 51.485577 -0.231054
SW13 8DX 0 51.485753 -0.230817
SW13 8DY 0 51.486019 -0.230591
SW13 8EA 0 51.483294 -0.230566
SW13 8EB 0 51.483559 -0.230859